
collectively: he himbody is 222002
The current mood of legobox at
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you tellin me a shrimp fried this rice?

he himtwenty-seven28/11
hey, i'm brent! i'm usually fronting, especially if we have to socialize.

i've been around as long as we can remember =)

web design isn't really my thing but hey this is pretty cool!

he himtwenty-eight27/03
josh has been brent's best friend since they were very young. he usually only fronts when co-concious with brent.

josh tends to brings out the "frat bro" in brent. they make a lot of noise... and fill our fridge with a lot of beer and leftover pizza.

if you ever meet them at a party, get ready to lose at beer pong.

blinkie zone

green day, dad rock, cars,
anything 80s, my lovely wife,
house parties, pinball

brent's twitterjosh's twitter